How Emerald Lawns Optimized Operations and Accelerated Sales with Deep Lawn - Case Study

Some of the Emerald Lawns Team outside of their headquarters in Round Rock, Texas 

Learn how Emerald Lawns enhanced their sales operations, increased efficiency, and reduced costs using Deep Lawn.  

Some of the Emerald Lawns team outside of their headquarters in Round Rock, Texas 



Modernizing Sales Operations for Enhanced Efficiency

Kristen Parkhurst, Marketing Director of Emerald Lawns, recognized the need to optimize the company's business operations. Emerald Lawns sells 20 to 30 million dollars in lawn care services each year. Initially, Emerald Lawn's sales team relied on manual paper processes to document everything, along with in-person measurements. These methods consumed valuable resources, delaying responses to customer inquiries and slowing down the sales process overall.




Streamlining Operations with Deep Lawn's AI Lawn Measurements 

Discovering Deep Lawn through a mutual connection, Emerald Lawns saw the opportunity to streamline its operations and enhance their customer experience. Deep Lawn's AI-powered measurement tool gave Emerald Lawns the opportunity to provide instant estimates directly on their website while also equipping their sales team with tools to provide instant lawn care and pest control quotes. This change not only modernized their sales process but improved responsiveness to customer demands.

“So we were really hoping to integrate what we were already doing on the web because we had a previous measurement tool prior to Deep Lawn, and we were eager to figure out how to improve the customer experience, and when we saw that with (Deep Lawn) you didn't have to do anything manual and that the machine learning auto-populated the measurement, it really helped us to know it was the right way to go.. the right direction

With Deep Lawn, Emerald Lawns's sales team no longer had to follow a lead, provide a quote in person, and reach out to meet someone, freeing up time to make more sales. 

“So all of the expenses of having an outside salesperson to oversee a lead, go out measure, meet in person, and all of that... so absolutely, seeing savings there"




Enhancing Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction

Since adopting Deep Lawn, Emerald Lawns has improved many key metrics including their sales cycle efficiency, cost savings, and environmental impact. 

Prior to Deep Lawn, the average time from customer interest to receiving an estimate was about three and a half days. With Deep Lawn, 16% of new orders were instantaneous through Deep Lawn's e-commerce platform. The e-commerce tool has not only accelerated Emerald Lawn's sales cycle but also capitalized on customer urgency, enhancing overall sales effectiveness. 

Emerald Lawns has achieved notable cost savings with Deep Lawn by eliminating the need for extensive in-person visits and reducing paper usage. With Deep Lawn, Emerald Lawns has dramatically decreased their average cost per sale. 

Through the implementation of Deep Lawn, Emerald Lawns has continued to position itself as a leader in lawn care, delivering superior customer service and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

“...and so for anyone from that 16% are getting (a quote) the same day, instantaneously, so that sales cycle you know, helps capitalize on the urgency of the buyer at the moment, while also being convenient for the end user. And we definitely want to honor their time and make it a seamless experience for them"






✅  Automated Measurement and Instant Estimates


✅  Paperless Operations -  Streamlining Internal Processes

✅  Continuous Innovation and Support from Deep Lawn