Set up Geofences and Optimize Pricing with Geopricing™

Easily add a price surcharge for lawn care or pest control services further away from your shop & optimize pricing based on where your customers are located📍💰

Geopricing™ is available as an add-on to most Deep Lawn plans.

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Lawn Care and Pest Control companies can easily set geofences based on drive time and distance from shop 🚛

Pricing is the most important factor affecting your profits. Deep Lawn gives you all the tools that you need to price effectively for higher gross profit margins

Start optimizing your pricing for your lawn care or pest control company with Geopricing™

Charge more for neighborhoods that are not price sensitive

Effectively price your lawn care and pest control services based on neighborhood, distance from shop, zip code, etc.

Give exclusive discounts to build route density

Besides pricing, route density is the second most important factor affecting lawn care profits. Build more density with Geopricing™.

Only offer certain lawn care & pest control services in certain areas

You may only offer lawn mowing services in certain neighborhoods - while offering Fertilization and Weed Control in the entire city. Easily set this up with Geopricing™.

Get Started With Geopricing™