Optimizing your pricing - part 3

Location based discounts for lawn care and pest control companies

This is part three of a multi-part series discussing tactics and strategies for optimizing your lawn care or pest control pricing. You can read part 2 of the series here.

While many pest control and lawn care companies do not spend enough time on their pricing strategy — even less time is typically spent on their discount strategy.

Location-based discounts

Just as we discussed location-based pricing in part 1, location-based discounts can be very effective for lawn care & pest control companies.

Building out location-based discounts for specific neighborhoods, specific developments, or specific routes can be a great way to add more customers where it matters most. 

In fact, getting 3-7 more customers in the same geographic area is shown to improve profit margins of home services companies by 30%-70%.

If you know your numbers correctly, it may be worth it to give higher discounts to neighbors of your existing customers. You will likely still be more profitable on that job as your team will not have any downtime between jobs (loading/unloading equipment, drive-time, increased fuel consumption, etc.).

Unfortunately, most companies do not use geo-targeting or location in their discount strategy — this leads to lost revenue, diminished profits, and doesn’t improve route density….

As mentioned earlier in the series, not all customers are equal.

It is worth your time to prioritize accumulating more customers in a denser service area.

Location-based discounts may be just what you need to build more route density.

Stay tuned for part 4 🚀